Birding the Adirondacks:
Great Adirondack Birding Celebration
1-3 June 2012
The 2012 Great Adirondack Birding Celebration featured internationally acclaimed birder and photographer, Richard Crossley, birding trips, lectures, workshops and the popular Teddy Roosevelt Birding Challenge. Registration opened for trips/programs on 1 May 2012. Call (518) 327-6241.

Check-in and registration packet pick up began at 9 AM through 5 PM on Friday, 1 June at the Paul Smith's College VIC building. Friday's events included an all-day field trip exploring the bird life of the Lake Champlain Valley followed by a dessert reception and an Owl Prowl beginning at 9 PM. Saturday was filled with exciting field trips and informative events throughout the day. For a full schedule of events at the three-day event, click here.
The keynote address at 7 PM Saturday, 2 June, was given in the VIC Theater by Richard Crossley, internationally acclaimed birder and photographer and author of The Crossley ID Guide - Eastern Birds. Crossley discussed his birding field guides and highlight the thoughts behind the revolutionary series. Following the presentation, there was a reception and drawing for bird-related items. $10 per person for those not attending the birding celebration.
Some of the boreal species that GABC participants hoped to find include the Black-backed Woodpecker, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Boreal Chickadee, Spruce Grouse, Bicknell's Thrush and a variety of migrating warblers.
The event was jointly sponsored by the Northern New York Audubon Society, the Adirondack Park Institute, Paul Smith's College, Wild Birds Unlimited, White Pine Camp, Bookman Design, Mac's Canoe Livery, and the Adirondack Birding Center at the Paul Smiths VIC.